Tuesday, June 2, 2009

He's back Jack.

No, not him. But yep, he came back too. Took care of him, 'cause I'm strong like that....

"Yo cha-chee...back the freak up! Just cuz yo bitch ain't givin' yo nuthin' don't mean you gotta act a fool round us, so get da fuck otta here or 'else you gonna catch a brick!"

Anyways, not to make a short story long or nothin' but I been prayin' for Whatchamacalit to come back to me.

I ain't too religious but ya know what they say 'bout when ya got yo ass in a hole.

I 'specially like that Judas dude...one of Big Daddy's Twelve...ya know. Judas was there wit' Big Daddy at his time, and he came down from his tree, and wit' him was two fruits, from that tree, and he said "Big Daddy, I have found these two fruits, which is possessed by two demons. Whut should I do to get rid of them demons?"

But Big Daddy didn't respond, so Judas kissed him.

And then Big Daddy looked at Judas and said to him, "Nobody messes wit Big Daddy, yo." And then Big Daddy wept. And when He was done, He stood high among his Twelve, cryin' out, "Remember this Judas dude for all generations." He had a way with his words, didn't he? Anyways, after he said that, there was some great moment of silence.

And then Peter said to Him, "Big Daddy, what should we remember about him?"

And Big Daddy said, "Peter, ya already forgot?!? Didn't I tell ya that y'all would forget three times after the cock crows? So, I ain't tellin' ya...y'all have to figure it out for yo selves."

And Peter replied, "Whut in the hell does that mean?"

And Big Daddy gave Peter one of those looks like..."back the fuck up mothafucka!" And Peter did.

Oh...this here's my big daddy, the one spelt wit' lower case letters...

Yeah, he got one of them purse dogs from Whatchamacalit. as a parting gift. He left us all parting gifts...somehow he knew his time was up and that's what we got...lameass purse dogs!!

Here's the one he gave me. I carried it for like one day to make him feel good but only 'cause I felt guilty after what I tried to do to him when he first gave it to me...

After yellin' "Betta cancel Christmas muthafucka!" THIS here's what I tried to do...but throwin' someone into traffic when there is none don't do no good. Yeah, he lived, just to be taken to that great big invisible pink unicorn in the sky, by that psycho muthafucka Jack something or other. And no, that ain't where I'm goin' when my time's up...just him.

So, after psychokilla butchered my boy, that paris hilton purse poodle disappeared somewhere ova the rainbow, where all those little purse mutts go.

I mean...this here's one of my dawgs...the other dawg's even bigger. ..yeah, thhe work out too. Mah dawgs would kick that little purse poodle's ass. What the hell was What's his name thinkin'? He's seen mah dawgs plenty.

Anyways back to the short story I'm makin' long. So yeah, here's me prayin' for What's his name's return. But I added..."Please...please no mo' purse poodles, or green sparkly glitter, or crisp apple streudels, and especially no mo' movies 'bout mamas who makes their kids wear drapes. I'm strong, but not that strong anymore to put up wit' that shit."

I even found this necklace lookin' thing with a cross so I thought maybe Big Daddy was messagin' me something from his fly-ass crib up yonder.

After prayin' for like foreva, one night, my lady's like, “hey baby, let’s do it ! ” I was butterin' my toast, and she was so stoked man. How could I say no? This here's muh Ruby Red.. She makes me the best toast even tho she don't bother butterin' it for me...Whatsmacalit buttered my toast.

I found her after What's his name went to meet the Invisible Pink Unicorn (IPU) in the sky. She just popped up outta nowhere when I was prayin'.

But as we're just startin' to smoke...I hear Whatchamacalit's voice comin' from the TV. I look up and there he is...


He's on some late night show actin' all like a bitch and I'm like, this mofo's is trippin "What the hell did those IPUs send back to me?"

I turned to Ruby Red and said, "Mah boy's come back but he's a bitch!" But then I thought maybe mah prayers have been answered and he'll fo'get about that stupid movie he loves so much, sparkles, glitter and all that pansy shit...

Well that's all for now...Next up our reunion.

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