Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Chuckie!

OK, so today's my great grandfather's (6/5/1898) 111th birthday. RIP Chuckie (that's what I called him 'cause Charles was his name and he said those Grandpa names made him feel old) So, yeah, that's him, right before he died. He was smokin' wasn't he, for 90-years old...I miss him lots.

So anyways, while I'm here tryin'to organize all the people (I kinda resemble Chuckie, don't I? He has a better tan is all, but we both gots rock hard bodies, amongst other things) at Chuckie's birthday party... that's when...

guess who shows up? That's right, What's his name? He's got great timing...NOT!

So, I'm like  "WTF dude...who yo s'posed to be, lookin' all a fool like that?  Here, I waited all this time for your return, and I get this...this?! ?  and then I  'xcused myself to recover from the shock.  

When I returned I was still hot - but not like "freakin' HOT!!!, like Bobby De Niro hot in Goodfellas when he's kickin' the shit outta that guy -
so I was like,  ", lemme take care of that cock lookin' thang on the top of yo head and fill in those holes yo poked in yo' sad self."

Oh yeah, I put on my Canuks jersey for the kids. I'm on that team. Chuckie didn't like that too much. He called me a traita of some sort.  
But, anyways, that's me, below when I was havin' a "Wally Moses" moment of confusion...I play baseball too, or is that run-the-bases...well, whateva..

Anyways, back to my story...

So What's his name turns to me and says,
"Crippin hard no turn' back. Raise that "C" and hold it high forward, do or die. Spread yo wings, raise yo head, we are risin' from the dead".

Now, tell me, who says that?

So...I'm like, "yo. lemme get back to my rockin' party man. These people want to snap my hot self." Oh, and see that girl lookin' at me like I hung the frickin' moon...she replaced Ruby Red 'cause I was gettin' sick of havin' to butter my own toast.  This girl rocks muh world man!

Well, then  I'm sittin' there enjoyin' Chuckie's party, when this hot little number comes up to me (Blondie 'xcused herself to take a beauty break during this time and I chained up What's-his-name in front of a mirror hopin' he decides to take his own beauty break)  and tells me that she does a whole lot more than butter yeah, Blondie's history and What's-his-name is borderin' on brink.

Then it hit me!   "C"! That "C" that What's-his-name was talkin' 'bout, stands for Chuckie!
So I  told "hot butta girl" that we's ova' (she and I went to unchain "What's-his-name" so he could join "C"'s rockin' party.  I was goin' to try to ignore the holes and cock comb on top of his head. I guess I was bein' supaficial.

Well, I go to turn around, and there he is...lookin' back to his beautiful self!  He unchained himself wit' his special power he's got now, and even joined the Canuks.  It was a quantum moment I'll neva fo'get.

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