Saturday, May 30, 2009

Intelligence? Gift? Curse?

Well, as one who didn't cash in on that one, I don't know. But, my man Crispin Hellion "the gangsta" Glover seems to have an answer. You see, I think he did receive that gift/curse and that gift/curse allows him to see stuff. Yep, that's him:

Wow! Not to change the subject or anything but I didn't, that is a gift.

Anyways, take me, for instance...I just missed the other end of the spectrum...the end that is pretty much dismissed, taunted and teased for being backward, birdbrained, defective, dim, dim-witted, dopey, dull, dumbbell, dumbo, dumdum, dummy, feeble-minded, gorked, half-witted, held back, imbecile, lamebrained, mentally defective, moronic, numbskull, opaque, pinhead, retardo, sappy, simple, simple-minded, slow, slow-witted, stupid, subnormal, touched, underachieving, weak, yo-yo , etc. Yeah I know, anyone who reads this here whatever it is that I've got goin' might think that I didn't miss anything of the sort.

Where did they get "downs syndrome" from anyway? Downs? Right there, it kind of sounds like a bad thing. Why not "ups syndrome"? And why syndrome? What about "heartenedly witted"? Like, they "think" from their hearts more than their brains? 'Cause if you ever met someone with what they call "downs syndrome", they obviously have very smart hearts.

So why did Crispin put those people in his movie, then? To make fun of them? I mean he's a gangsta, right? And gangstas don't make fun, they just torture, kill, grind up, and order fancy cement boots for those lucky enough to be chosen. Making fun seems to be a waste of a gangsta's time. Don't ya think?

Not to change the subject or anything...but he really is gifted, isn't he?

Anyways, back to the subject...hmmm...I seem to have forgotten. Well, if I remember I'll come back and post.

Oh yeah, so Crispin refers to those people as "culturally innocent". And I bet that's a good thing in Crispin's eyes because those people can't/ won't ever become part of the "conservative corporately funded and distributed film industry" that he likes to talk about.

So, I think it's safe to assume that this state of being could also be considered a gift or curse as well, and if that's the case, then it's safe to assume that those at both ends of the "intelligence" spectrum have a lot more in common, than do all those in the middle, like David "I'm cool" Letterman who is obviously steeped in cultural primordialism... what does that mean, anyways? Hmmm...well, on second thought, maybe not so much:

Maybe, Crispin should go back and visit Dave.

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