Saturday, May 16, 2009

Then again, real gangstas just might flex nuts.

Crispin Glover this dude who flexed and kicked on Letterman and made this guy walk out on his own show - something, more than 20 years later, we're still talkin' about - is true straight up gangsta. I'm sure of it. He not only rocked the "conservative corporately funded and distributed film industry"- his words, not mine - he sued freakin' Steven Speilberg, and won!

For an undisclosed sum, but apparently, enough - along with the money he earned working within that "corporately funded and distributed film industry" - to make his dream come true. Yep, just your average, run-of-the-mill dream of bringing his cerebral palsy-afflicted former mental hospital shut-in friend's screenplay, that he read back in 1986, to the big screen...a normal, run-of-the-mill screenplay about "cerebral palsy-afflicted serial killer who is irresistible to women - never mind that he's confined to a wheelchair and his speech is all but unintelligible". But, that's not all.

This little project... this gangsta's dream...he felt was his moral obligation, and nothin' was going to get in his way...not even his cerebral palsy-afflicted former mental hospital shut-in friend's imminent death. Nope. In fact, the next part of this story might elevate him to godfatha status.

So, he finds out, 14-yrs later, that his friend ain't doing too well. What's he do? Yanked that dying friend right out of his hospital bed and put him to work. Again, just run-of-the-mill stuff like, stripping him down naked to perform unsimulated sex acts, including one of necrophilia...that's all. Then, after that was done, and he collected enough footage, he let his friend know, so that his friend could kill himself.

Now, Crispin did feel bad about his own words, "To say goodbye to that person, that was a heavy day. A heavy responsibility." Yeah, I know, not very gangsta...but, hey, even a gangsta's gotta feel sometimes.

So, don't let that McFlyish veneer of nerd fool ya....not too far below lurks a true straight up gangsta. Letterman was right to run off scared. He sure can kick.

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