Monday, July 6, 2009


So, I invite whats-his-face over to watch some TV, and he brings his girlfriend wit' him, Miss potted plant 2008...still potted, and in her birt'day suit. Then, 'cause she's starin' at me all erotic, he gets all pissed off ...

.like I'm doin' something to encourage it. So I'm like, "Yo mofo, is it her birt'day?"

So yeah, turns out it's her birt'day so, I'm like, "Let's go to Woody's (our fave restaurant) to celebrate.
Well, Miss-Potted-Plant kept on her birt'day suit, but fortunately for me, unplanted herself 'cause she decided she wanted to to sit wit' me. Whats-his-face didn't seem to mind...

Nope...he just sat there, wit' his food in front of him, starin' it down, like it was goin' to morph into Michael Jackson and moonwalk to his mouth. So, I snapped, “Bitch. there's little children goin’ hungry ’cause their ma's sold their food stamps to get high, and..." I couldn't remember the rest of what birt'day girl on my lap told me about her rough upbringin', so I was like, "Eat it mofo befo' I pop a cap in yo cracka ass"

I'm just 'bout ready to give the birt'day girl her birt'day present, thinkin' whats-his-face is cool wit' that, since he taught me everything I know when it comes to the big "O", when I turn my head to see him comin' at me wit' an ax....

Well all I got to say is, it's a good thing Miss potted plant unpotted herself 'cause she wiped his ass out wit' one blow...

...but don't feel bad for whats-his-face 'cause after he woke up, he went out and hooked up wit' that girl wit' that hard-assed boyfriend and had an offspring.
And me and Miss potted plant ...well, she wanted me to take over where whats-his-face left off. I was like, "'ho, yo need to go out and get yo'self a rabbit!..i ain't nobody's bitch."


  1. Is that first picture a manip? What about the 4th?

  2. All are manips except the 4th and 6th pictures.
    The second one is really not a manip...just removed the mike and cord. Believe me NONE of the manips are intended to look real. I couldn't even if I wanted too, LOL. I just like to fool around with digital photos.
